ThinkJava 2. We carry on a tradition of Java-Fridays

16 June 2015

On Friday at sunset, we convened the second meeting of ThinkJava Java-order. The representatives of all Java guilds arrived at the conference hall of “Metallist” SC. The aim was to discuss the strategy of future battles in the world of Java Enterprise.
On Friday at sunset, we convened the second meeting of ThinkJava Java-order :). The representatives of all Java guilds arrived at the conference hall of “Metallist” SC to discuss the strategy of future battles in the bloody world of Java Enterprise.

The light of knowledge was brought at ThinkJava #2 by two Java-duets – Roman Vasilenko & Alexandr Bondarets. As well as Dmitri Zyukin & Egor Bondar.

Roman and Alexandr shared their craft of barehanded debugging of Java applications. Also, they told us what to do with the revealed problems at the production stage, when we can’t stop an app. After they gave their opinion on how to fix the bug “on the fly”.

After the traditional coffee break with a heated discussion of the report. Dmitri and Egor took the floor to tell about the peculiarities of working with a document-oriented NoSQL database. For instance, MongoDB and to show how it is applied in a real application with GMongo library.

Our speakers received plush Dukes to keep as a remembrance of this Java order’s meeting, and we’ve prepared special stickers for the guests. Our ThinkJava-community keeps growing and our meetings get more and more interesting. Stay tuned!