Review of Sync.Net #1 Conference at NIX Solutions

8 May 2015

NIX Solutions, famous for its team buildings, presented a new format for IT professionals in Kharkiv. This April NIX held the first internal conference for .Net developers.

There are many ways to learn new things in. Net. You can read the professional resources and thematic blogs, study through MSDN, or just Google and hope to find out something new, interesting, or useful. However, the most effective way is to get together at NIX Solutions on a sunny Saturday afternoon and discuss current issues of .NET development with competent and experienced professionals. That is how the .NET department of our company came up with an idea to hold the first internal Sync.Net conference.

Four experts of NIX Solutions’ .NET-department were speakers at the conference.

Eugene opened the event with the report titled «Welcome to reactive programming!» which revealed general concepts of reactive programming and examined many practical cases of Reactive Extension usage.

After the coffee break Igor, who was the next speaker, brought up a topic causing both the respect of case-hardened programmers and the tears of newbies – “Asynchronous programming in .NET». Igor talked about the evolution of multi-threading on the .NET platform, drew the audience’s attention to the many pitfalls, and suggested ways to avoid deadlocks.

Discussion of the second report went on during lunch, and then Vova took the floor to share his experience of working with JavaScript modules. His report «Javascript modules. Require.js» was focused on the importance of structuring applications, and how to resolve problems and do it correctly. The speaker examined and compared tools, which help to keep UI pure and clear, and demonstrated RequireJs implementation examples both for SPA and for multi-page applications.

It is extremely important for developers to understand what clean code is and how to achieve this purity. This topic was revealed by Ivan, who told me how to write a code that would be easy to understand and maintain.

We always take care that NIX Solutions’ employees have an opportunity to develop and improve their skills. Our team members visit major events in the industry, such as SpringOne 2GX, and take part in various internal training, lectures, and master-classes. Both our experts and invited gurus become speakers at the internal events. Sync.Net was the first internal conference for all employees who were interested in the .NET development and judging by the feedback – not the last one.

Thanks to the planners, speakers, and participants for the new exciting event at NIX Solutions!

Topics of the Sync.NET # 1 reports

Welcome to reactive programming!

  • What is reactive programming;
  • “Reactive” approach;
  • Its implementation with Reactive Extensions (Rx) usage.

Asynchronous programming в .NET

  • Evolution of multi-threading and asynchronous programming in .Net framework;
  • Usage in practical cases;
  • Usage tips for ASP.NET, ASP.NET MVC, WinForms, WebAPI.

Javascript modules. Require.js

  • Review of the most popular modular approaches;
  • Asynchronous Module Definition and Require.js library basics
  • Examples of one-page and multi-page (MVC) applications with the aid of Require.js
  • Usage of the optimization utility “r.js” together with VisualStudio.

Clean code

  • How to make code more simple, readable, sustainable, and understandable for other developers
  • DRY, KISS, YAGNI, GRASP, SOLID development methodology, and implementation examples.